Product Review: Kirkland Signature Extra Fancy Unsalted Mixed Nuts

Although I have mentioned nuts at Costco (both that I have and have not tried) in several other posts, I haven’t actually reviewed them. There are many varieties of nuts sold at Costco (many seeming quite similar but with one or two but differences in specific mixture,  salted vs unsalted, etc.; (“Strong” and “weak” sections of Costco). This post will review the Extra Fancy Unsalted Mixed Nuts. The mix Includes (in order of percent composition) cashews, almonds (both regular and marcona), pistachios, and pecans. 

I like all of the nuts included in this mix.  The bag says that cashews comprise 45% of the mix. Without knowing this, I would have guessed plain almonds. However, I’m certainly not complaining. The cashew nuts are delicious, enormous, and mostly whole (as opposed to some of the cheaper mixed with mostly quite small pieces of cashews). The high quality is not a surprise, given that they are listed as one of Kirkland’s highly rated products (More Top Notch Kirkland Products). Almonds are the next most plentiful nut in the mixture. As I have mentioned, I love marcona almonds (It’s snacktime! (Part 2 of 3). Unfortunately, there are not too many in this mix compared to the amounts of the other nuts (I think i got two or three in a roughly 1/2 cup serving). However, the regular almonds, while not my favorite, are also quite good. Far less prevalent in the bag are pistachios. They are good but don’t seem too flavorful. I love pistachios but am used to the ones in the shells without any other nuts. Although delicious, they just can’t stand up as well against the strong flavors of the other nuts. There are fewest pecans in the mix. Pecans are a nut I generally think I don’t like too much but I actually do enjoy eating them. I think sometimes I get them confused with walnuts, which I actually don’t like too much. These pecans, although not particularly plentiful, are almost buttery. 

While I do love this mix, I also very much enjoy a very similar mix…the Extra Fancy Salted Mixed Nuts. In addition to salt, this mixture differs from the unsalted in that, rather than pistachios, it contains both Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts. (Well, and 48% cashews vs 45% but I doubt most would consider that a huge difference). I prefer unsalted because I find the salt dominates and it is harder to taste the strong nut flavors themselves. My ideal would be an unsalted version of this mix and just deal without having the pistachios.

The nuts were very fresh and crunchy. Although I am certainly not a nut expert, Having had my share of pharmacy canned nuts, I can tell they are very high quality. They are also a good deal. Nuts can be expensive (especially the higher quality mixes without peanuts…I like peanuts a lot but they do change the “nature” of the mix). Therefore, being able to get this mix in a 2.5 pound bag for about $17 is another great purchase at Costco.

One other thing to note is that Costco changed it’s packaging for nuts. Whereas they used to be sold in jars, they are now in bags. According to the bags, they use 85% reduced plastic. I used to be able to specify which nuts I wanted by describing the jar (well, or by referring to one of them as “the one that Grandma likes). No longer. Whereas the nuts in this review were in a jar with a black and green label, they are now in a red/orange bag. (The salted variety is still blue.)

Have you tried this nut mix? How about others? Favorite nut? Do you prefer salted or unsalted?

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2 Responses to Product Review: Kirkland Signature Extra Fancy Unsalted Mixed Nuts

  1. P Kennedy says:

    Nov 5, 2023 Packaging has changed from jar to plastic bag. Found nuts to be stale when opened. Will not buy again.


    • Funny timing. I commented in the post that the packaging had changed for environmental reasons and last night, as we were eating these nuts, a family member and I were discussing the packaging AND how impressed we were by how fresh the nuts had stayed for several months! Too bad you did not have the same experience.


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